It seems a few weeks doesn’t go by and someone else launches a new home controller or way to interact with your home automation tech.

This week new to announce they are going live on Kickstarter soon is Flipp a dedicated Sonos controller.

Flipp Sonos Remote is unlike the competitors.

Unlike competitors this is specifically designed to  work only with Sonos, stating:

“Music is social – music apps ARE NOT. Flipp is a beautiful remote control which creates a social music experience”

It’s been created by a Scandinavian start up, Synt, this being their first product.

The details are limited at the moment however we know it’s a pebble like device that connects to your internet via a hub.

Flipp Sonos remote
The remote is controlled via movement:

Flipp Sonos Remote
These are all the details we have at the moment, as we hear more we will update you.

*Update 25/4*

We asked Flipp for a date they are going live on Kickstarter and we have just been told:

“We expect a launch on Kickstarter in the beginning of May. Last week we taped our campaign movie and we are really excited about moving forward!”

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