Having a smart home is great however one concern everyone always has is security! The age old question ‘Am I opening my house open to hackers?’

You can buy Fingbox from Amazon for £125 currently.

Meet Fingbox – a new bit of hardware that is designed to solve this problem.

(You might well recognise the name Fing, as they already have a brilliant app in the App store for network scanning.)

You simply plug Fingbox into your router then using the app on your phone you can secure and troubleshoot network problems.

For example:

– Who is connected to your network?
– What is using all the bandwidth?
– What is the best channel for your wifi?
– Are my ports all secure?

It also goes one step further by adding a parental control feature, allowing you to block your kids devices or enable as you wish.

We cant wait to get our hands on this!!

They received all their funding in an Indiegogo campaign and ship in June 2017.

If you want to get your hands on one too it can still be purchased via Indiegogo here:

Update: Read our Fingbox review

PS. You can buy Fingbox from Amazon for £125 currently.

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