Smart Home Geeks

Febreze Home – A lovely smelling Smart Home!

Febreeze Home UK

We love a nice smelling smart home so we were excited when we discovered the latest product by Febreze – Febreze Home. Febreze Home connects to your Wi fi via an app on your smart phone then lets you control the smell as well as automating it. It learns how ‘smelly’ you like your rooms, based on how often you boost the smell and makes it how you like it.

The clever part is it works with Nest meaning if you have Nest and you are not in and Away mode is on, less smell is used to prevent waste.

It also integrates with Nest protect – if an alarm is activated it flashes red and yellow if a heads-up is activated. This is a great idea!
Febreeze Home UK

Febreze Home also alerts you when smells are low.

Based on the website ( )  it seems this is a USA focused release, we have asked them for info about the UK and will update you when we hear back.

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