RetroTouch Crystal PG Touch Remote light switch Review
StylishEasy setupQuality remote
Slightly fiddly to clip on glass
4.0Overall Score
How it works
Reader Rating 3 Votes

This is a We Own it review of the RetroTouch Crystal PG Touch.

What does Crystal PG Touch do?!

It is a modern remote controlled touch light switch.

The one we tested is in black glass, but they also do it in white. The switch has concealed screws and the face plate covers them, giving a great look.

This version was not dimmable but they do have a dimmable model.

It fully comply with UK safety standards, a very important point as it’s being wired into your houses mains!

How easy is it to setup?

These have been designed to be retrofitted and easily connected into existing wiring.

We removed an existing 1-way switch and swapped it over in less than 5 minutes.

To setup turn off your electricity and follow the wiring diagram, in our installation the labels matched perfectly between the old and the new so straightforward quick switch.


The box is 35mm deep which is standard, we used the existing screws from the old switch, but it comes with screws.

Once setup and screwed in the glass face plate clicks on, this did take a little bit of practice and we had to press it quite hard till we heard the ‘click’ to know it was secure.

Once setup you need to pair the remote to the light switch, this is also easy and is done by pressing the light switch for 5 seconds till you hear a tone. Then press a button on the stylish remote. It’s now setup and working

Note: We are not electricians, if you are at all unsure seek professional advice.

How much does this remote controlled light switch cost?

£46.95 on Amazon, with a remote and battery.

Retrotouch Stunning Innovative Designer Range 1-Gang 1-Way Touch and Remote Light Switch

Check the Price on Amazon UK

What’s it like living with it?

remote light switch uk

it’s a handy, stylish addition to our smart home. The switch gives out a subtle light from the circle, blue when off and red when on.
 As the remote works on the RF433 frequency band it works with most RF Hubs, for example Broadlink. This then adds smart phone control and rules.

Remote controlled light switch review uk

The spec states the remote works 25 meters. We tested it at 11 meters and still works perfectly!

What are our final thoughts?

If you are looking for a modern, well designed remote controlled light switch this could be exactly what you are looking for!

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