
Amazon release Alexa equaliser feature

Amazon today announced a new equaliser features allowing you to fine tune the sound on your Amazon Echo. This allows you to make subtle tweaks to bass, trebl...
Alexa wedding seating plan

Create your own Alexa Seating plan

We recently discovered someone had used their Amazon Echo to create a seating plan for their wedding. Then using it on their big day to let guests find their se...
Echo dot battery UK

Alex – Echo Dot Battery Review

This is a We Own it review of the Kiwi Design Alex – an Echo Dot battery base. What does Alex do?! Alex is a is a battery base for a second-generation Ec...
Amazon Echo UK

Amazon just released 3 new products!

Amazon has just released an updated Amazon Echo, Echo Plus and a new Echo Spot. Here is what each of the new products does and how it fits into the impressiv...
Amazon Echo Dot

Amazon Echo Dot Review

This is a We Own it review! Amazon Echo Dot is the Amazon Echo's smaller brother (or sister actually!). It doesn't feature as large speaker, however majority...

Amazon announce Alexa Calling

Amazon announced an exciting update to Alexa today, Alexa Calling. Alexa calling software update Alexa calling will come to all Amazon Echo's and allows user ...