Henry McLean-Low

Noke padlock review uk

Noke Bluetooth Padlock Review

This is a UK - We Own It review of the Nokē Bluetooth Padlock. The Noke Padlock was launched after a successful Kickstarter in 2014. It raised an impre...

Amazon announce Alexa Calling

Amazon announced an exciting update to Alexa today, Alexa Calling. Alexa calling software update Alexa calling will come to all Amazon Echo's and allows user ...

Introducing SMALT!

We have very limited details on this one, however from what we know its very different.... Introducing SMALT the smart salt dispenser! Some Music Ambianc...

Ring Video Doorbell Review

If you had asked us a few years ago if we would now be writing a review on a door bell we would have thought you were mad!  Fast forward to now and here i...

Dominos Pizza Connects to IFTTT

Dominos Pizza, with the help of agency CP+B, has just gone where no restaurant has gone before!  In the USA you can now connect Dominos pizza tracker to...

Meet Fingbox the smart security box!

Having a smart home is great however one concern everyone always has is security! The age old question 'Am I opening my house open to hackers?' You can buy F...